Marma Conversations: Martina Pezzino, CNC

Martina Pezzino, CNC (certified nutrition consultant), will join the Marma Community on Thursday, January 11th for a live interview at 10am. Join us for a candid conversation on fertility, motherhood, and conceiving as a same-sex couple with a donor at home without any medical procedures or support!

We asked Martina a few questions to learn a little more about her before our chat.

Share with us a little about your journey into motherhood.

When I stopped taking birth control at age 23, my health went haywire and I didn't have a period for 3 years. After a series of specialists, I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure (when I was 25!) and told I would likely never conceive naturally. My hormones were "post-menopausal". The solution was to put me back on the birth control pill to "regulate my cycles" until I was ready to have kids. Instead, I found a naturopathic doctor, began deeply researching nutrition and holistic healing, and rebalanced my hormones naturally. My cycle returned within 1 year and that sparked my passion to go back to school to study nutrition and coach other women through their own healing journeys.

If you had 1 piece of advice for a new mother, what would it be?

Build a village. Call in the women you already know and trust, or start seeking them out. We were not meant to mother alone. Be brave- join a facebook group, go to yoga class, find a church, volunteer somewhere, join a moms support group. If you don't already have a village, build one.

Also...meal prep some bone broth and put it in the freezer. Your future self will thank you.

What do you love most about your job?

I just went through a huge rebrand, formally Balanced Beginnings Nutrition. I took a couple of years off while I was having my babies and now am getting back into / shifting the focus of my work from hormones into more motherhood work.

I help women reclaim their health through their motherhood journey. We start with the foods but also address mind-body-soul healing through food/body mindsets, habit building, spiritual connection, community, stress management, meditation, and movement.

What food did you crave when you were pregnant?

So much fruit!
Also salt and vinegar chips

What was your favorite item you brought to your birth?

My music playlist for birth (send me an email at and I would be happy to share it with you!) OR my stones from my baby shower, had everyone paint an affirmation or blessing on the stone and then surrounded my space with them

What is a go-to meal that you’re making right now?

Bone Broth Ramen

How can people find + connect with you?


Instagram: @luiawellness



Marma Conversations: Anja Werstler Gomez, Ayurvedic Practitioner


The Marma Gift Guide.